How MBTI Can Help You in Your Daily Life

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used worldwide by colleges, corporations, and human resource departments to determine personality types.  In some instances, this assessment determines if a potential employee is a good fit for the corporation. Nearly 2 million individuals take the MBTI each year.

The MBTI can help determine if an individual will be a good fit in a job, department, or team.  While this is not the only indicator, it can provide companies and universities with insight into the individual’s personality in question. Not only is it helpful in the professional realm, but it can also be helpful in your personal life. Although the MBTI is popular, some naysayers do not buy into the hype. 

This article will learn about the MBTI, what it measures, and how it can benefit you in your day-to-day life. 

What is MBTI?

MBTI, better known as Myers Briggs Type Indicator, is one of the leading personality tests on the market. Many companies rely on this assessment to hire and place employees in positions where they can be the most productive. 

The MBTI was first created in 1962 by Katharine Cook Briggs.  She developed the personality test to learn more about how people see things differently based on their personalities.  Briggs felt people needed to learn how better to understand one another after World War II trauma. (Source: The Myers Briggs)

Why is MBTI Important?

The MBTI is important when it comes to helping people to communicate and understand one another. This is especially critical when trying to get people to work together to accomplish a common goal.  Completing the MBTI and understanding the results helps people more fully understand why they may have different thoughts and feelings about a particular topic.

One of the biggest reasons group collaboration is so difficult is because of differences in opinion.  When you do not fully understand how and why someone has a certain way of thinking, it can lead to misunderstandings that begin to hinder the working process. 

Why Do Universities Use MBTI?

Many universities choose to administer the MBTI to students to help them better assimilate to college life and day-to-day life.  The main things students can learn about themselves with the MBTI are:

How they make their decisions: People can choose to make decisions based on either thoughts or feelings when making decisions.  People who make decisions based on thoughts typically spend a lot of time thinking through the process and the consequences of their decisions. 

Individuals that choose to make decisions based on feelings tend to be more reactive.  They do not always think through their decisions and the consequences that may come from their decisions.  

How they take in information: Different personality types take in information differently. Some people take information in and process it step by step, focusing on the sequential order of things, while others focus on only the big picture.  

How they focus:  Some people tend to place their focus externally while others focus internally.  Those around them should understand the way individuals focus on helping with the communication aspect of the group. 

How they organize: Different personality types choose to organize things differently. Some people are very organized, thoughtful, and well-planned, while others function better in a more chaotic environment with spontaneity.  

It is important to understand the way people organize to help maximize both the quantity and quality of work that needs to be accomplished. 

Universities have found that using the MBTI helps students better understand themselves and be more successful academically and personally. While it does not promise students will be successful, it does help them learn strategies to become successful. 

(Source: The College Spy)

Why Do Companies Use MBTI?

Using the MBTI has become commonplace for many successful companies.  Companies choose to use the MBTI to help get a better understanding of their employees, which helps increase production and allows the development of successful teams to occur.  The main things companies use the MBTI for are:

  • Motivation
  • Creating teams
  • A greater understanding of employees
  • Stronger ability to lead adequately.

While the MBTI will not solve all workplace problems, it can help create an environment that is more effective for both employers and employees.  With a greater understanding of individual differences and thinking comes greater production. 

(Source: Colossus Media)

MBTI Descriptions

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator labels 16 different personality profiles. Each of the profiles is based around four main groups: Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels, and Explorers. Each of these groups is defined by very different characteristics, but several personalities fall under each group. 


Analysts do not jump into decisions blindly.  They spend a lot of time thinking through decisions and looking at every angle before making an ultimate decision about anything.  They often think things through in a logical progression and have a technical way of viewing the world around them. Within this group, you will find the personality labels of:

  • Architect
  • Logician
  • Commander
  • Debater

Although each of these labels is under the general category of Analyst, each has a particular set of strengths that helps with their title. 


Diplomats place a great value on fully understanding the thoughts and actions of those around them.  They tend to see the positive in even the worst of situations.  They are innately able to connect to others and have a firm understanding of both their emotions and feelings. (Source: Life in a Day).  Diplomats can be referred to as:

  • Advocate
  • Mediator
  • Protagonist
  • Campaigner

As you can see by the titles of diplomats, they are focused on protecting those around them and ensuring everything turns out well.  They are well known for seeing the bright side. 


Sentinels are going to focus on keeping order and security.  They do not take well to spontaneity and prefer that everyone follow the same guidelines and rules.  They feel the best way to accomplish a task is by completing it strategically with assigned roles.  (Source: Pastor Dan).  The commonly seen Sentinel titles are:

  • Logistician
  • Defender
  • Executive
  • Consul


Just as their name indicates, explorers do not always choose to take the easiest or most strategic path to accomplish a task or reach a goal. While the explorer is a fun individual to be around, they do not always put much thought into their decisions. Because of this, mistakes are often made that need to be corrected as they move through a task. (Source: Crystal Knows). Explorers will be characterized by:

  • Virtuoso
  • Adventurer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Entertainer

This group will be much more outgoing and may be considered “the life of the party” to some degree.  They may have a tough time sticking to and carrying out a plan that has been put in place. 

While these four groups can give an idea of general personality characteristics, the MBTI breaks the personalities down even further, which allows an individual to understand how they best function in daily and work life. 

16 Personality Types

When you get down to the final analysis of the MBTI, you will find there are a total of 16 different personality profiles.  Each of these profiles will fall under one of the four main groups and have one of the titles described earlier.  

You may be wondering how each personality type is clearly defined to help those taking part in the MBTI.  While there are four main groups with sub-groups, each of the subgroups is very specific in mapping out the traits. To do this, something called socionics is used.  This helps break down the traits of each profile for greater understanding.

Socionics Breakdown

When using socionics, eight main categories are looked at.  You will notice these categories are designated with letters.  The letters each have a very specific meaning that helps to focus on an individual’s personality profile. 

E- extroversion

S – sensing

T – thinking.

J- judgment

I – introversion

N – intuition

F- feeling

P – Perception

Each of these descriptors is used to determine an individual’s detailed personality profile.  Through this, they can see how they should approach both work and daily life. 

(Source: Form Plus)

Here are the 16 Personality Types.

Once individuals take the complete MBTI, they are assigned a personality type typically denoted by four of the socionics categories.  It almost seems like a combination and permutation exercise, but rest assured, it is much more scientific than just grouping letters together. 

Personality TypePersonality Title
INFPThe Healer
INTJThe Mastermind
INFJThe Counselor
INTPThe Architect
ENFPThe Champion
ENTJThe Commander
ENTPThe Visionary
INFOThe Teacher
ISFJThe Protector
ISFPThe Composer
ISTJThe Inspector
ISTPThe Craftsperson
ESFJThe Provider
ESFPThe Performer
ESTJThe Supervisor
ESTPThe Dynamo

                              (Source: Truity)

When initially looking at the vast list of personality profiles, it may seem confusing and overwhelming.  Therefore, certain titles are given to each profile.  You can tell a lot just by looking at the title, but by digging further into the meaning of each Socionic letter, you can uncover the true meaning of each personality type. 

MBTI Compatibility

Not only is it important for individuals to know and understand their personality type for work and education purposes, but it also helps with their day-to-day life when it comes to relationships.  This is effective for both personal and professional relationships.  While it will not eliminate all misunderstandings, it will help you to understand the thoughts and actions of those around you. 

As with anything, not all personality types are compatible with one another.  Because of this, employers must understand who will and will not work well together, especially on critical projects or teams. 

Most Compatible Personalities

It is important to know that all personality types can learn to work together, but it may not be the most efficient or productive pairing if they spend their time trying to figure one another out.  Some personalities will complement one another when it comes to working together. 


This list is not an exclusive list of the best pairings, but these are the most compatible of these personality types.  Again, this does not mean the pairings will be without challenges, but it does mean that they will complement one another well. 

(Source: Business 2 Community and Bustle)

Most Common MBTI Types

There are billions of people in the world that all have varying personalities.  While this is true, some personality types are more common than others.  The most common MBTI types are:

  1. ISTJ
  2. ISTP
  3. ESTJ
  4. ISFJ
  5. ENFP

Each of these personality types accounts for between 8.2% – 15.9% of the population that has taken the MBTI assessment.  Because not every person in the world has taken the MBTI, these numbers are likely much higher. 

(Source: Psychology Junkie)

Rarest MBTI Type

Knowing the most common personality types is important, but it is just as important that you understand the rare personality types.  The five rarest personality types are:

  1. ENTJ
  2. ENFJ
  3. INFJ
  4. INTJ
  5. ENTP

These personality types make up between 1.5% and 4.2% of the tested population.  These individuals must have a firm understanding of their personality profiles because there are so few of them.  This means they will likely be working or going to school with vastly different individuals than themselves.  

(Source: Psychology Junkie)

How is Knowing Your Personality Profile Helpful?

After looking at all the varied personality profiles, you may be wondering how this is helpful beyond the walls of an established business.  While it is extremely helpful in the business and education world, it is also helpful with daily life.

By understanding your personality, you will be more likely to be satisfied in your career and personal life.  This is because you will seek out those things that make you genuinely happy or those things you are passionate about. 

MBTI is Helpful with Routines

Some personality types are driven by routine and may require it to be productive daily, while other personality types struggle to keep and follow a routine.  Because of this, you need to be aware of what works best for your personality type.  

ENFP’s and INFP’s tend to struggle the most with routines because they prefer more of an adventure, which means they struggle to stick to anything that seems mundane and boring. The best thing for these personality types is:

  • Fixed time blocks to work.
  • You are avoiding things that may take all your time or brain energy.
  • Give yourself short time blocks to respond to things to help avoid overthinking.

While all these things may not put individuals with these personality profiles into a strict and easy-to-follow routine, they will help. (Source: Dreams Around the World). It is important to remember that some people thrive on routine throughout their entire day, while others may just need a routine in the morning or at night to be more productive the following day. 


Knowing your personality type can help you to become organized as well. Like the behaviors and characteristics exhibited by the various personality types, organization will look much different for each type as well.  Some personalities will need much more support to become and remain organized, while it will come naturally to others.  Some things that help with organization are:

  • Spreadsheets
  • Apps
  • Working smart
  • A central location for tasks
  • Writing things down
  • Personal Assistant
  • Help with organizing materials.
  • Chunking of time
  • Keeping things tidy

Typically, when we think of organization, we may think of a room in a house or specific location such as a desk or drawer. When it comes to organizing in life, it can mean those things, but it even stretches to organizing our thinking and the process of thinking.  This can include organizing schedules and even ideas.  (Sources: Organized Assistant and Bustle)

Find Fulfilment

Many people struggle to find fulfillment in both their personal and professional lives.  While the MBTI cannot promise that you will find instant fulfillment, it can help you determine what you may be passionate about in your career and personal life.  

It is important to remember that fulfillment does not just mean professional fulfillment. It is also very much a part of fulfilling relationships.  The interesting thing about professional and personal relationships is that they are successful because of interactions, not just actions. (Source: Medium)

Some personality types find it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to be completely fulfilled in their daily life. Hence, they need to work extra hard to find and maintain a feeling of fulfillment. 

ENTJ’s struggle with fulfillment: This personality type never seems satisfied with the here and now.  They are constantly looking for the next thing or next step.  While it can be beneficial to have big goals, it can be detrimental to those seeking fulfillment. The good news is that you can find fulfillment if you are an ENTJ, but you may need to work for it.  Some things ENTJ’s need to do are:

  • Focus on the circle of control and what you can control and what you cannot.
  • Be reflective on yourself, not just the situation.
  • Stop and pay attention to what is going on around you. 
  • Be patient in your current situation.
  • Focus on the things you are passionate about.

You will notice that the best way for an ENTJ to find fulfillment is to stop and live in the moment, focusing on the here and now, not what is up ahead.  Because their focus tends to be hyper-driven to the next thing, they will constantly battle finding true fulfillment. (Source: Truity)

Helpful with Relationships

Relationships are the key to any personal or professional success.  Some personality types are more geared to building relationships than others.  This is where the two descriptors of Introverted (I) and Extroverted (E) are important to be aware of. 

Introverted individuals may find it extremely difficult to build and maintain relationships.  This is not because they cannot make and keep friends, but they prefer to be alone.  They value the time they get in peace and quiet.  Because of this, people may view them as standoffish or disinterested in social events. 

Extroverted individuals are known as the life of the party.  This personality trait thrives on being in the center of attention.  They do not mind standing out and making a lot of noise.  Because of this, many people are naturally drawn to them.  They thrive on being in crowds and going to social events.  

When trying to build meaningful relationships, you need to understand if an individual is introverted or extroverted. This will impact how you approach them.  It will also help you to have a deeper understanding of how they interact with others and what that interaction means. 

(Source: Feather Flint)

Why is MBTI so Popular?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator may seem quite overwhelming and confusing, which leads to why exactly it is so popular among the masses.  One reason it is popular is that it is so widely used in education and work settings.  While this may seem a bit silly or redundant, people are attracted to familiar things. In this case, it is the MBTI.  

Another reason this tool is so popular is that people enjoy learning about themselves and seeing what they are good or not so good at.  A certain degree of camaraderie can come from discovering that like-minded people surround you. 

The MBTI is also a safety net for many businesses and institutions.  It allows them to delve into the minds of their employees without being overly invasive with questions.  Because of this, it gives them the sense that they can create and put together a team of people that can be successful for their cause. 

(Source: Forbes)

Is MBTI Reliable?

You may be wondering if the MBTI is a reliable instrument to use when determining personality.  The reliability of the tool is questioned by some scientists because there is not much room for variation when it comes to personality designations. Because of this, it is believed that the accuracy may be a bit limiting.  

There is also a thought that the MBTI may not be a conclusive picture of an individual but rather a tool that allows the individual to fully focus on their strengths and weaknesses to help determine what life choices will best suit them. 

All, the MBTI will not give you a 100% fully accurate picture of your true personality, but it can give a good sense of where you stand in the four main categories.  It can also give you an idea of how you are likely to handle situations when it comes to relationships and routines. 

(Source: Live Science)

Can Your MBTI Change?

You may wonder if your personality profile is a lifelong tag.  While your general personality will not change over time, you may find yourself moving away from your identified traits.  This is not your personality changing, but rather your way of thinking about the world around you.  Certain things can impact how you view certain things around you. 

Environment: The environment you are in can impact how you view certain situations.  Perhaps you had a different viewpoint when you initially took the MBTI.  If this is the case, your thinking may change a bit. However, when the environment changes, you will likely go back to your previous thinking. 

Social aspects: Different social settings and aspects can change how you view your personality.  Although you may be introverted, perhaps you are placed in situations where you must be more social than normal. This does not mean you are becoming extroverted; it just means the situation forces you to move away from the introversion for a period. 

It is important to remember that although you can alter some of your personality characteristics, it is not likely that your personality will completely change forever. 

(Source: 16 Personalities)

Can You Have More Than One Personality Type?

When you take the MBTI, you may find yourself thinking that you could be several different personality types.  While you may exhibit traits from several types, you only have one specific personality type.  You may be close to two different personality types, but one is likely much stronger than the other.  This means you will always go back to the traits associated with your true personality type. 

Where Can You Take the MBTI?

After reading about how helpful the MBTI can be in your everyday life, you may be wondering where you can take the assessment.  If you are at a university, you can likely go to your career counseling office and they will be able to direct you.  

If you are not on a college campus, you can find access to the MBTI both online and in print form.  If you take the assessment online, you will be presented with your profile at the end of the assessment with a full analysis.  This will help you to determine career choices as well as relationships as well. 

Final Thoughts

Finding your personality type can be a lot of fun and maybe even a bit stressful, but it can be very helpful for your daily life, both personally and professionally. Knowing your personality type can help you with finding fulfillment, relationships, and following routines. It can also help you when it comes to organizing your life. 

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